Dry Needling

What Is Dry Needling?
Dry needling is a technique sanctioned under the physical therapy licensure and permitted only by certified individuals. Dry needling uses thin needles to “reset” the musculoskeletal system, and can be very helpful in breaking the pain-tension cycle with people with chronic pain. Dr. House is fully certified under the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy for Dry Needling.
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What Are The Benefits Of Dry Needling?
5 theoretical benefits of dry needling include:
Reduction of muscle pain, spasm, and tightness
Speeds up recovery from injury
Improvement in range of motion
Provides a “Nervous system reset” (and helps break the pain-tension cycle)
Improvement in blood circulation
Dry needling may also help decrease the need for pain meds, decrease the need for surgery, improve energy levels, improve sleep quality, decrease time off from work, and improve overall quality of life.
Dry Needling Treats These Types Of Injuries
Dry needling may help with:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Spinal dysfunction
Joint dysfunction